Human Resource Strategy for Maritime Industry

N-Force Maritime Services provides crewing and recruitment services for the marine industry, supplying qualified Sri Lankan seafarers and sea marshals to shipowners, operators and PMSCs 

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Our services

We provide essential support to ship owners and operators by managing the human resources necessary to operate your vessels safely, efficiently, and profitably.


We recruit qualified and experienced seafarers, including officers, engineers, and ratings, for various types of vessels, based on the your requirements


We manage the seafarers’ employment contracts, ensure maritime regulations compliance, and handle crew welfare and training


We arrange crew deployment and repatriation, including visa processing, travel arrangements, and documentation

Why choose us?

We stand out from our competitors by providing superior services to our clients. Here are some key factors that set us apart:

Quality of Crew

At our agency, we recruit and train the best available seafarers, with a focus on safety, competence, and professionalism. We ensure that our crew members meet or exceed your expectations and comply with international standards

Efficient Crew Management

We have an efficient crew management system that ensures timely deployment, repatriation, payroll, and benefits administration. We also have a robust performance management system that monitors crew performance and provides regular feedback to improve productivity and quality

Compliance and Safety

We have a comprehensive compliance and safety program that ensures adherence to international maritime regulations and best practices. We provide training and support to crew members to ensure that they operate vessels safely and efficiently

Technology and Innovation

We invest in the latest technology and innovation to improve our operations and provide better services to our clients. We use digital platforms for crew management, data analytics for performance monitoring, and automation for administrative tasks

Customer Service

We provide exceptional customer service and build strong relationships with clients based on trust, transparency, and responsiveness. We maintain open communication channels with clients and promptly address any concerns or issues that may arise