N-Force Maritime Services yesterday kicked off a dynamic new initiative which aims to transform Maritime Security Officers in the PMSC sector into successful Security Officers across the world, with the ability to add value to the PMSC world while contributing to the national economy.
The mentoring initiative by N-Force HR (Dedicated manning agency for the Private Maritime Security Industry) which is conducted in collaboration with N-Force Maritime Services was launched in Wattala (Head Office) with the participation of a large number of both experienced and new MSO’s from the region.
The event in Wattala was held under the patronage of : N-Force Maritime Services Chairman Rear Admiral (Rtd) Noel Kalubowila, N-Force HR Head of Operations Thimira Kalubowila and N-Force HR recruit manager Tharanga Wickrama.
To convert this important vision into reality which is also part of NFMS’s Corporate Social Responsibility efforts, the institute set up a Professional Development Task Force to drive the mentoring initiative forward. The task force will implement a sustainable model where security professionals can work as agile business partners to assist MSO’s in their journey to grow, accelerate and sustain their security journey in the long term.
Addressing the MSOs in Wattala, Rear Admiral Kalubowila highlighted the importance of each MSO and the support they require, and the important role N-Force HR can play to uplift the sector, which is identified as the leader of Sri Lanka’s PMSC Manning.
During the event, Wickrama emphasised the role of the task force and the expected end outcome from the initiative, while Thimira elaborated on the role of Team Leaders in supporting Team Members in the growth process.
The mentors for the project will comprise of SL Special Forces members, SLN Officers and lecturers conducting the N-Force HR orientation program from the N-Force Maritime Academy, who possess in-depth understanding and experience in maritime tactical operations.
NFMS recently entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with N-Force HR to provide SL MSO’s with better access to knowledge and training for their long-term success. The agreement paves way for MSOs to continue to be an integral part of Sri Lanka’s future maritime journey while continuing to be an important pillar in adding value to the socioeconomic development of the country.